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What you should know to claim: claim is your right!

  • How can you know the information that has the Administration?

    Acordeón de How can you know the information that has the Administration?

    You want to know, for example, how many contracts has made the ministry of Science and innovation, which grants awarded the ministry of education and vocational training, how much it has cost the last campaign of the ministry of health,... where you are looking for this information?

    1. In web page of the Ministry or the body or the Transparency Portal(Abre en nueva ventana) the government.
    2. If the information is regional and municipal on the website of your Autonomous Community and/or your town or in their transparency portals .

    If not you will find all the information you want, then you have to ask the Administration. Without questions, there is no answers. If you do not know the specific body that has such information, go to the information offices of the General administration of the state(Abre en nueva ventana) , telephone 060(Abre en nueva ventana) or information offices of Autonomous communities(Abre en nueva ventana)

  • How do you do to ask the Administration?

    Acordeón de How do you do to ask the Administration?

    If the information is state can be accessed in two ways:

    1. Electronically by the Transparency Portal(Abre en nueva ventana) or, if you know the agency responsible, looking into your website.

    2. Attending any public register(Abre en nueva ventana)

    If the information is regional and local: you have to ask your Autonomous Community. All Autonomous Communities have a Transparency Portal.

  • DO any request for information should admission?

    Acordeón de DO any request for information should admission?

    No, the law of transparency notes some reasons why your request for information can inadmitirse. These are:

    1. Those relating to information under development.
    2. The assistant character or support.
    3. The required, for its content, a reprocessing previous work.
    4. Those aimed at a body that has no information, or when competent unknown.
    5. Repetitive motions or abusive.

    Always,the application on this article should be restrictive.

  • And if inadmiten my request for information DO I have to justify?

    Acordeón de And if inadmiten my request for information DO I have to justify?

    Yes, provided that justificarte will be the cause for which your request for information has been dismissed. Furthermore, the council of transparency and good government has established criteria to interpret the causes of admission that captures the law.

    It is always necessary to motivate what it means, stating the reasons and justification of why the cause is applicable to the specific case.

  • You may be admitted my request, start the processing and then you deny all or part. Why?

    Acordeón de You may be admitted my request, start the processing and then you deny all or part. Why?

    The Law of transparency also contains some alleged that limit the right of access to public information.

    It is true that the right of access to public information must respect limits and some interests 14lists what andart. 15protects the privacy of individuals and thus your privacy as orderedOrganic Law of data protection.

  • What is the "test of damage"?

    Acordeón de What is the "test of damage"?

    As explained thePreamble to the law of transparency, this is necessary to implement a limit to the right of access to information. Consists in to balance the interest that protects with the limit and the legitimate interest that protects the knowledge of information and value both to decide.

  • Who made this test?

    Acordeón de Who made this test?

    The organ to questions, which must resolve first. If it is a claim, will theTip of transparency and good governance.

  • CAN only serves to mention a limit for not giving public information?

    Acordeón de CAN only serves to mention a limit for not giving public information?

    No, it is necessary that your application is justified and proportionate to the object and purpose of the protection and also should not referring to the generic but concrete case.

  • What happens if you deny information or you do not match what you replied administration or don't respond?

    Acordeón de What happens if you deny information or you do not match what you replied administration or don't respond?

    If you had denied information is General administration of the state or an autonomous community or Local Entity with which we have covenant (Asturias, Cantabria, Rioja, Extremadura, Castellano The Stain, community of Madrid, or Ceuta Melilla), then claims to the council of transparency and good governance. We Will Review your request for information and decide if the information is public and, therefore, there is an obligation to facilitártela.

    If you have spent more than a month since formulaste your request to the state or any of the Autonomous Communities that have convention, and you have not received a reply, you can also claim before the council of transparency and good governance, which solve if you obligation exists as requested.

    If you denied information is an autonomous community or Local Entity with which the council of transparency and good government has no agreement, then you will need to steer your complaint to the competent body of your Autonomous Community .

  • What is a claim?

    Acordeón de What is a claim?

    If you have requested information from the administration and you have denied or don't match what you have replied or you have not received answer to your questions, you can put a claim before the council of transparency and good governance, which will decide whether the information should facilitártela.

    The claim is therefore a request you do to the council of transparency to review the decision of the administration on your request for information.

  • DO whenever you deny information, all or part, you can claim?

    Acordeón de DO whenever you deny information, all or part, you can claim?

    Yes, always.In the answer you received is highly desirable that values the law, which should be reflected incidences of the procedure and should be justified causes of dismissal or partial estimate.

  • Who can make a claim?

    Acordeón de Who can make a claim?

    All people have the right to access to public information. Andall people have the right to claimwhether natural or legal persons, Spaniards and foreigners.

  • When you have to file a claim?

    Acordeón de When you have to file a claim?

    • If you answered the Portal of transparency, you have a month on the day following your answer.
    • More than a month without you have received a reply (administrative silence), you can also claim.
    • If the claim is in your autonomous community query the laws of your community since some have shorter deadlines.
  • Who directs the claim?

    Acordeón de Who directs the claim?

    A nosotros, al Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno, que somos el órgano independiente encargado de velar por el correcto cumplimiento de la Ley.

    Si la reclamación es sobre una cuestión de carácter autonómico o local, tienes que dirigirte:

  • Where you have to submit your claim?

    Acordeón de Where you have to submit your claim?

    • Through electronic headquarters,(Abre en nueva ventana) if it is a claim against administration organs of the state. Entry through the electronic site has the advantage that you can track your claim.
    • In the email: if it is a claim on a Asturias information, Cantabria, Rioja, Extremadura, Castilla-La Stain, Community of Madrid, or Ceuta Melilla then you can fill in this form(Abre en nueva ventana) and send it to:
    • Person: at the headquarters of the board of Transparency and good governance (street José Abascal No 2 – 5th floor, 28003 Madrid) or in an administrative register.
    • By postal mail. Sending a written claim to our address
  • What happens if you don't know it?

    Acordeón de What happens if you don't know it?

    In the council of transparency and good governance we have a unit of attention to the citizen:

    • our headquarters attending (C/José Abascal, 2, 5th floor. 28003 of Madrid),
    • by telephone numbers 91 273 33 11 and 91 273 33 08
    • email:

    Check out all the ways in which you can lead us.

  • How will answer your claim?

    Acordeón de How will answer your claim?

    We will answer you within a maximum of three months and our decision will be mandatory for the administration.

  • If neither gives me reason the council, What can I do?

    Acordeón de If neither gives me reason the council, What can I do?

    The answer to this boardmay be appealed contencioso-administrativowithin two months from the day following that you receive, before courts key Contencioso-Administrativo of Madrid, introducing there your arguments.

  • DO I will cost money?

    Acordeón de DO I will cost money?

    Yes, appeal contencioso-administrativo requires you to accompany barrister and solicitor.

  • And vice versa, if the council gives me reason and the administration disagrees.

    Acordeón de And vice versa, if the council gives me reason and the administration disagrees.

    The public agency will have to resort to litigation – administrative.In this case the board will assume as yours resolution and will defend before the courts.

    You can personarte if you want, although the council of transparency and good governance ensure your right.

  • ¿Me costará dinero si el Consejo me ha dado la razón y es la Administración la que no está de acuerdo?

    Acordeón de ¿Me costará dinero si el Consejo me ha dado la razón y es la Administración la que no está de acuerdo?

    To thee not. The costs will assume theTip of transparency and good governance.